All Tutorials

πŸ“ All Notetag, Comments, Conditional Branch and Movement Route commands
πŸ“ All Plugin Commands explained
πŸ“ Visual Graphs: How to work the plugin (for newcomers)
😈 00 Enemy: Create a basic enemy (basic method)
😈 01 Enemy: Create a basic enemy (recommended method)
😈 02 Enemy: Create a basic Enemy AI
😈 03 Enemy: Create a Boss HP Bar
😈 04 Enemy: Create Enemy using Database values
😈 05 Enemy: Enemy attacking NPCs
😈 06 Enemy: Enemy death drops loot
✨ 07 General: Child and Parent
✨ 08 General: Damage Overtime
✨ 09 General: Dealing Damage using Formula
✨ 10 General: Detection
✨ 11 General: Extra Self Switch
✨ 12 General: How to check collision between events
✨ 13 General: How to fix Pushable bug from DotMoveSystem FunctionEx
✨ 14 General: How to use Hendrix Keyboard Gamepad Premium
✨ 15 General: Local Variables and Percentages
✨ 16 General: Make skill compatible with Mouse and Gamepad
✨ 17 General: Master Animation using Hendrix Animation Solution
✨ 18 General: Move Events to Gamepad's Right Stick
✨ 19 General: Move Events to Mouse Cursor
✨ 20 General: Moving Platforms and Pits
✨ 21 General: Spawn Objects and Dynamic Events
✨ 22 General: States (Stun, Poisoned, Burning, Frozen, etc.)
🦸🏻 23 Player: Create a magic spell Fire Boomerang
🦸🏻 24 Player: Create a player from scratch (the easy way)
🦸🏻 25 Player: Create a spell Fireball
🦸🏻 26 Player: Create Ranged Weapon
🦸🏻 27 Player: Create Ranged Weapon (Method 2)
🦸🏻 28 Player: Duel Wielding
🦸🏻 29 Player: Forbid Player from acting during cut-scene
🀼 30 Player: Party Member
🦸🏻 31 Player: Pick up and Drop
🦸🏻 32 Player: Player Dash
🦸🏻 33 Player: Player Melee
🦸🏻 34 Player: Setting up Idle/Walk/Run animation
πŸ₯ 35 Puzzle: Throw event to trigger a Switch
πŸ’‘ 36 Tips: Improve attack feedback
▢️ 37 Video Tutorial: Make a Palworld Battle System
5 RPG Maker Action Combat Manual: All Tutorials